Community Training Center

Minembwe Community Training Center

  • In the mountains of the Haut Plateau of Eastern DR Congo, the center offers adult vocational skills training and acts as a seed bed for the introduction of agricultural and power supply improvements. Though on the equator, the high altitude cool weather combined with plenty of rain, sun and continental-divide wind, makes for a perfect environment for a wide variety of initiatives:
  • Adult Vocational Skills Training—mechanics, carpentry, tailoring, computers, English
  • Agricultural development—successful introduction, testing and research of commercial scale blueberries, kiwi, cranberries, orange fleshed sweet potatoes (Vit. A) as well as a wide variety of vegetables—kale, asparagus, beets, broccoli, carrots, butternut squash, kohlrabi, red sweet peppers, etc..
  • Renewable energy and power supply demonstration—solar power and wind turbines.

FLASH: MCC closes training and hosts more than 140 refugees following attacks on local villages.

Come see for yourself and visit us. You can stay in our Guest Village on the Hill.